Saturday, November 14, 2009


One of my all-time favorite books on Christian Spirituality is Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller. I happened upon it about 6 years ago when I was beginning what I now know as my long journey in the desert. Throughout our lives, some people just seem to "get it" in a way similar to our own heartbeat. I've been told that if you put two violins next to each other and pluck a string on one, the same string on the other violin will vibrate. Music is a sound wave. Each string responds to its own wave, its note. We respond to people differently, I think, because God gave us each our note - our beat - our heart. It has little to do with rating one over the other. Some just reach our sound wave more naturally.

Anyway, Donald Miller must be on my sound wave because it seems as though he gets it. He gets me. My son informed me that Don would be speaking in Casselberry to promote is new book, so I drove over to hear what he had to say. I enjoyed the night and have lots to chew on over the next few days. One the back cover of Blue Like Jazz, Don wrote: "I never liked jazz music because jazz music doesn't resolve. But sometimes you have to watch somebody love something before you can love it yourself. .... I used to not like God because God doesn't resolve. But that was before any of this happened." How true is it that watching someone love something brings that "thing" up to a level of, at least curiosity, at best interest and desire? I was led to God by watching a couple love God. Not by their words or sermons, but by their lives. I wanted to know about that life.....about what made it special..... what made it different. It forever changed my life.

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