Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Traveling on Life's Journey

As I contemplate life without my mother and an upcoming trip to Italy, I feel the need to record thoughts, experiences, and ideas here for others to share. Join me as I begin a new season in my life. I guess this would be the beginning of the autumn of my life. (I'm being optimistic and not labeling it winter!) Autumn is a time of bold colors and I determine to live boldly, with purpose. So, that being the theme, I am boldly learning to blog. A new venture. As with everything I try, I know I will "skin my knees", but I will get up and keep learning.

I booked a flight to Italy for next month and will spend 2 weeks in a little village called Capena. This historical town is about 45 minutes from Rome and I plan to rent a tiny little "house" for the duration of my stay. I don't speak the language, so the thought of 2 weeks not talking to anyone is a bit daunting, hence this blog. I'll talk to you -- will that be alright? I have ordered a basic Italian language course from in hopes that I can, at least, find a bathroom, hail a taxi, learn the bus routes, and maybe eat occasionally. Okay, I will eat more than occasionally. I'm wondering just how much Italian this old gal can learn in such a short time, but, hey, gotta give it a try. This trip was, of course, an impulse decision. That's how I roll and it usually works out well -- usually.

Thanks for beginning my journey with me. I'm open to suggestions for my blog, so journey along with me.


  1. love the blog mom...and Autumn is very appropriate :)

  2. How fun! Rosann....YOU GO GIRL!!!!!! I love the travel...the observations...the trip.....the blogging! I love to read and visualize...your exciting! Love you and will be praying for you as you wander and discover new places and things. Love you....don't talk to strangers! lol
