Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Thoughts for a New Year

Not a very creative heading today, but I guess a new year causes many of us to ponder what we've accomplished, what we've lost, what we look forward to, etc. In what was an unusual decision for me, I actually made a couple of New Year's resolutions this year. I don't know if "resolutions" is the most accurate word, but I have purposed to choose to stop calling myself "stupid". I do that quite often - sometimes as a joke and sometimes in earnest. I wouldn't allow my children to call anyone that, so why do I accept it in myself? I also wouldn't call anyone that, but for some reason don't consider it wrong to do it to myself. I have a self-deprecating sense of humor, which I actually don't mind, but I do have to stop berating myself. Do you think there is a subtle difference between the two? I do -- at least I hope there is.

My most difficult plan this year is to say "yes" when people ask me to do something. That is oh, so difficult for me. I habitually just say "no" when people ask me to join them for dinner, or some type of an event. I spend time with 4 ladies at work and with my family. No one else. I have one long-time friend that I see occasionally - other than that, I mostly stay alone. I'm not sure when it happened, but I've become increasingly uncomfortable with people. It's never been my favorite thing, but I didn't used to work so diligently to evade people as I do now. So................ since I decided a couple of months ago to live boldly and with purpose, I must do it in public, not in the safety of my own private home. Ahhhh!!! I find that God has a sense of humor because, though it is only the second week in January, I have attended 2 events. TWO! One on Sunday (a graduation gathering for a friend's daughter) and on Monday I had dinner with a lady that I haven't spent time with in years. Funny that they both contacted me last week, just after my deciding to become "Yes, lady". I must say that I enjoyed both evenings. It wasn't at all painful -- well, maybe just a little, but not nearly as stressful as I had thought it might be. I am not expecting to spring forth with joy while singing into a new life full of people bustling around daily, but I hope to gradually become more comfortable and perhaps even look forward to being with others in a social situation. What do you think? Is it possible? I'll let you know.

1 comment:

  1. So, "yes" lady, how has it gone so far? You're about half of the year in and I'm wondering if your intention has gone the way of the buffalo, like so many of my New Year's Resolutions?

    I'm happy to see you're blogging again. I also had a several month hiatus from the blog world and just jumped back in because it's summer! =)

    Can't wait to hear of your journey!

    Miss you so!
